https://archtwist.com/learn/architectural-photography-ins-and-outs/ An online course powered by Archtwist. Course Instructor: Noufel Sharif Sojol Architectural photography propagates images of buildings into the wider world, enabling people to view them in various circumstances, whether in newspapers, books, posters, the internet, or in galleries or museums. This course is designed to improve the way of seeing architectural spaces, their details, environments, and how to combine them in a frame. About the course instructor: Noufel Sharif Sojol is one of the eminent architectural photographers in […]

Seminar on architectural photography by Architect Noufel Sharif Sojol. A seminar on prospects and scope of architectural photography was held by AR. Sojol in the Dept of architecture, DIU. The seminar lasts around 2 hours where the instructor helped students to understand the fundamental techniques of architectural photography. The architecture family of DIU wants to say thanks to Ar.Noufel Sharif Sojol for sharing his expertise with us.